Waterford Race p/b BasemediaRacing Saturday June 19, 2021

Join us for the return of some Weekend Warm Weather Racing. Registration is open.

Waterford Hills Criterium Flyer is updated – Note the race time changes, especially for the Cat 1/2/3 race.

Register before Price Increases!

contact: [email protected] 

Waterford Criterium  COVID-19 Guidelines

Base Media Racing is committed to providing safe and fun race opportunities to children and families across the state of Connecticut. We will strictly adhere to the MI Rules for Outdoor Sports and USA Cycling’s Guidance for the Return to Racing and Riding, to present a safe and compliant event. We have successfully self-certified as a COVID-19 compliant sport organization and USA Cycling has approved our event plans as COVID-19 compliant.

The full event details for USA Cycling can be found here: Return to Riding & Racing USA Cycling

Special Covid-19 Rules and Requirements. Please read it carefully!

PRE-REGISTRATION IS ENCOURAGED: If you cannot attend the event for any reason, we will issue you a credit or provide a refund of the entry fee portion of the event. Please notify us within 24 hours after the event start time. We will be limiting the size of the event according to Michigan State regulations on the date of the event so please pay attention to the BikeReg Pages! We reserve the right to reschedule and restructure the ride to a virtual edition if COVID-19 does not allow for in-person gatherings.

EVENT CHECK IN: Event check in and number pick-up will be a one-way, walk-through lane with social distancing to maintain separation of participants. Masks must be worn and temperature checks will be mandatory upon arrival.

COVID-19 RULES & REQUIREMENTS: The following rules and requirements will be strictly enforced. They are for the safety of all riders, staff, volunteers and their families. While these measures are intended to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19, that risk cannot be completely eliminated

  •  Face masks must be worn at all times. This includes while in the parking lot, during number pick-up, at rest-stops, and after your ride.
  • You must maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others at all times (event with your mask on) except during the ride. The parking area is large enough to allow all cars to park 6 feet apart.
  • Do not come to the event if you are sick or don’t feel well – we WILL refund your entry fee. Please notify us within 24 hours after the race to request a refund.
  • We will use a thermal scanner to take participant temperatures in the check-in line. Any participant with an above-threshold temperature (100.4 o F) will receive a refund of their entry-fee and be required to leave.
  • No physical contact with others not in your family. That means no hugs, handshakes, fist bumps, or high fives.
  • We will stage riders 6 feet apart and release them in waves of 5-10 riders. Riders will be required to wear masks while staging and will be instructed to remove masks approximately 30 second before their ride starts. Once riders have returned to the venue OR if they have to leave the course for any reason, they must put their mask on immediately.
  • Do not share water bottles, food or other equipment.
  • We will have hand sanitizers on site and encourage everyone to bring their own as well.
  • Restrooms will be disinfected on a regular schedule. Social distancing of no less than 6 feet applies to those in line for the restrooms.
  • Under no circumstances should any rider discharge any mucus/phlegm while riding (e.g., spitting, snot rockets, etc.) If you need to clear your sinuses, please safely move off course, and away from others.
  • If you feel any symptoms of COVID-19 or are traveling to the event from a local hot-spot for COVID cases, please stay home. If you don’t feel well, you can get tested at one of your local MI testing centers.
  • Please see the Michigan COVID-19 Knowledge Base for more information on COVID-19, including where to get tested, and other helpful knowledge.

The best part of Michigan Cycling is the community we’ve built together. We value all of you wholeheartedly and these rules are for your safety. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN YOUR EJECTION FROM THE VENUE AND FORFEITURE OF YOUR ENTRY FEE.


Thank you to all of our Michigan  families and racers for compliance with these guidelines. We look forward to seeing you! Sincerely, The riders and volunteers of Base Medi racing

Waterford Race p/b BasemediaRacing Saturday June 19, 2021 Read More »